Math Workshop with Engage NY!

Do you teach whole group math? Feel like you're not reaching all of your students? Can't find a way to make your schools math program fit with students needs? 


Try small group math workshop! I promise it will change your life as a teacher, your students learning, and your sanity. Last year, I was drowning in a new program, Engage NY (Eureka Math) that we are required to use trying to fit in everything (really who isn't), meeting my students needs, and effectively delivering and teaching the material. I was struggling BIG TIME. 

This is the view from my small group table.

After Spring Break last year, I was determined to find something that would work for us. I searched and searched and finally decided to go for it. So I ditched the whole group math. Yep, I got rid of it and changed everything. I pre-assessed my kids and grouped them based on the current strategy/standard based on their needs and followed and tweaked the set up from The Clutter Free Classroom to meet the needs for my students and our program. 

Immediately I went saw the benefits. I was seeing my kids daily, giving them the small group instruction they needed, and authentically DIFFERENTIATING for my students. After seeing engagement increase, kids love for math come to life, and scores increase, I knew I was hooked. This year, my entire team is using this and it has been so great that other teams are now trying it out! SO EXCITING! 

Here is how things work in my room. 

We have an hour and a half for math and always start our time together with a Word Problem of the Day. 

On the SMARTboard I have a file of all of the "Application" problems that I created form Engage NY. 
If you are interested in this file please contact me :) 
 I read the problem aloud, we circle important numbers together, underline the question that we are being asked, and then my littles get to work!  
Each student has their own sock and dry erase marker, and this automatically makes word problems FUN! If you haven't seen the eyes of a 7 year old light up when you tell them the CAN write on tables, you're missing out. Its pure joy. 
After students get the chance to solve the problem on their own and I have walked around to quickly assess, we go over it together and students can edit their answers if needed. Then I give one student a clorox wipe and we are good to go! 

1. Invest in lots TONS of clorox wipes. 
2. Label dry erase markers with students number (or name). I just quickly made plain white Avery labels with there numbers. That way if they're lost or fall out of their seat pocket or sock, they can find their home. 

After our Word Problem of the Day, students go to their first center. Below is what the rotation looks like (link above to rotation board) Students are divided in to four color groups based on their pre-assessment unit data. There are four centers within our rotation. 

M = Math Facts
A = At Your Seat
T = Teacher's Choice/Table
H = Hands on Activities

Below each color group, I have mini dry erase boards that I got at Walgreens. These have students names on them who are in each color group. Now if you notice really, really, small, I have a letter in the top right corner on the boards. This is so I know the level of their groups. 
Example: Middle High (pink), High (orange), Middle Low (purple), and Low (black)

There is a rhyme and reason to why each group is labeled that way. 
For example my HIGH/ORANGE group starts At Your Seat first. This is because they do not need as much support from me to complete assignments. My LOW group misses majority of Hands on Activities daily because they are pulled for interventions. Then, they come to my table where we become mathematicians together! Following every group (minus orange) every student sees the concept and strategy at my table followed by then practicing on their own at their seat. 

With our schedule each center is roughly 20 minutes before rotating. 

Now since we use Engage NY, our principal had these workbooks made for us. They're super simple. Pink cover, with spiral bound copies of the "Problem Sets", "homework" and "exit tickets" pulled from the Engage NY modules. In second grade we have 8 modules with the program, so students have 8 different books. Though, they only have one book at a time! I send home old ones once we finish for extra practice! 
These books have saved us SO MUCH from drowning in paper daily! 

For your entertainment, we will be following the Purple groups schedule

At my table, I go over the lesson "Problem set pages" from Engage NY. We quickly review what we worked on the day before, and then get to work diving into the new information. Some days we use our green dry erase dots to warm up with quick math facts, or we do the "sprints" from the program, which are also in their "Pink books". Then we usually work the first problem set page together, and I guide them, if needed, through the second problem set page while they are at my table. 

If you use Engage NY, you'll notice that the problem sets and the homework and exit tickets are very similar. So it ensiles confidence in me and my kids by completing these pages together and then sending them to their seat to try on their own. For planning purposes, my team and I pre-plan what "lesson number" to teach daily. For example, this week we are on Module 7 lessons 1-5. 

Most days I dry on my table too, to review concepts and strategies we need to succeed! 

After 20 minutes, my timer goes off and students know to clean up and freeze where they are. They then move to their next center. Most students memorize where they go next so there is not much commotion in our transitions. but TRUST me… this took lots, and lots of practice and patience. 

Next this purple group, moves to their seats. Although, in my room they are allowed to sit wherever is best for them to learn, whether that be at their seat, someone else's seat, the floor, a pillow etc. I don't care, as long as they are working and doing their best. 

"At Your Seat" students are working on the "homework" and "exit ticket" pages within the daily lesson. This little one chose to sit at her seat so she could use her marker/sock on her table to help! This made my teacher heart happy. 

Following, another 20 minutes the students travel to "Math Facts". Our school has purchased Reflex Math. If you haven't used this it is AMAZING, and I mean AMAZING! The gains I have seen from my students is absolutely astounding. The best part is that students LOVE playing. They're basically playing video games with math facts. Trust me, look it up if you don't know what it is. I could talk about this program for daysssssssssssss! 
I only have four computers, but Relfex also has an app that 2 students within the groups get on to play also. 

Now if you don't have Reflex Math or a program of the sort THATS OKAY! I started out using simple flash cards that they could do with a partner. This is also a good time you could incorporate an hour glass timer and have students work on the "sprints" from Engage NY. 

Now on to my last center! Students get to go to an overall favorite, "Hands on Activities". This is always a game that students can play on their own or with a partner. I differentiate and give lots of choice here. On my carpet I have about 5-6 choices varying in level that kids can chose from. They differ from current skill to skills that we have already mastered. 

Personally, I LOVE the Lakeshore Math Folder Games. The directions are easy to follow, games are engaging, and each clean up and storage. The folders are also standards based so I can easily pull what 
I need. 

We also love the fun review of place value from The Brown Bag Teachers Math Centers, and math fact fun stacking cups that I made from tiny dixie cups. 

Once students have seen every center, time is up! At this point, I have seen every group, completed the "problem set" pages with them, assessed who is getting it, who needs reteaching, and what to work on for tomorrow. My students names can move frequently from one group to another, hence why they're on dry erase boards - best thing ever! Flexible grouping has been the best at individually meeting students needs. 

As a tried and true literacy loving teacher, math was hard, and I mean unbearably hard for me to get excited about.. BUT with math workshop and centers, I genuinely feel like I love math almost as much as reading now.. and trust me that's a lot of love I have for literacy time. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to contact me with any questions or successes. I would love to see and hear how you implement a math program into your day.


  1. I love your post! We also do Engage NY for the first time this year and I haven't found a schedule I liked yet in my room. I have always done small group math but I have found it difficult with Engage NY. I am excited to give your schedule a try! I wish we had little booklets made for our students. I feel like I drowned in copies every week. I would love to have a file of the Application problems. My email is

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback! I hope you love it as much as I do. Small group math and this program have really made a difference in my teaching and my students learning :) The spiral books are TOTALLY worth the leg work to make, the save my sanity daily. I posted the Application problem file in my TPT store. Feel free to download :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I teach Eureka math and have been considering doing small group math. I think your way would work great for me! When your orange group is at their seat first, what do they work on? Do they work on homework from the day before, or is it from the days lesson? Do you do guided reading groups also? If so, I would love to hear how you run them. Thanks!

    1. It has been a serious game changer with the small groups, I LOVE IT! My orange group (high) works on the homework for that days lesson, and attempts it on their own. My kids in this group are very independent and I feel that they can handle that. Then when they get to my table I check their work and address any misconceptions when going over the problem set with them. I love your idea of doing the previous days work though! That would work well too!

      I do guided reading groups as well, but in a little different format. I am working on a post about that too. Check back soon :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would really love to have a file of the application problems. My email is Thanks for some great info!

    1. Hi Ashley! Thanks so much :) I actually have the file in my TPT for FREE! You can find it here

      Feel free to contact me if you need anything else. Good luck!

  5. Hi Paige, my colleagues and I are contemplating using Eureka math this coming school year. We would love to see the Smartboard file that you created! Several of our team have or will be Engage NY training this summer but we are a bit concerned with the pacing as well. Your post is extremely helpful, I plain on sharing it! Thanks Melissa

  6. Thanks so much Melissa! The file is in my TPT store for FREE! I'll link it below. Feel free to email me if you all have any questions:)

  7. Hi Paige! Someone referred me to this page because I am having trouble incorporating guided math in with Eureka! Thank you SO MUCH!
    I do have a question you do the same lesson with each group?? Or is it a different lesson/varied lesson depending on the group each time??

    1. So glad I can help! It took me 2 years to figure out this system for engage and math centers, so I hope it works well for you:) Yes I do the same lesson # with each group. For example: We all are working on module 1 lesson 2. Each group will do lesson 2 with me. I then differentiate how I deliver the lesson to each group, and modify which problems within the problem sets I do with the varied level groups. Does that help? Please feel free to email me if you need anything at all, and the Application word problems are now in my TPT store if you'd like them :)

  8. Oh, I love this! Thank you for sharing your insights! I do have a question, do you have your schedule clipart somewhere?

  9. This is great! I am curious though if you take grades on math fact fluency? And if so, how do you do that with kids working independently on the sprints?

    1. Hi Julie! I do take grades on math fact fluency, but mainly use reflex math to gage mastered facts. I do have students working on sprints independently, and later in the year they learn how to self check and use the timers. But I am lucky enough to have an assistant in my room for about 20 minutes during my math block. She pulls specific students and works on timed sprints with them and grades them then and there for me! Also, throughout the units/modules I randomly collect their notebooks and flip through to "spot check" progress etc. I hope that helps!

  10. My school uses Eureka math and I want to try stations to maximize differentiation so I was excited to read your blog. My biggest question is what about your orange group? Your high level learners? How do they do the problem set/homework without first going to the teacher station to get the content?

    1. Hey there! My orange group is my highest level students. They attempt what they can at their seat alone, and about 99% of the time are okay with the daily problem set. Before sending my students to centers I do a very small and quick mini lesson to go over the concept for the day. The orange group is also always allowed to work together and "skip" problems they don't understand. Then when they come to my table we review together and move forward. This high group is VERY VERY high. On average already one grade level above. I have changed things a bit this year to better accommodate for this group because I don't have as many high flyers... be on the look out for my updated post! :)

  11. I would love your word problems! Thank you!

  12. I would love your word problems. I can't find them if you sent them to my gmail. My school email address is katie.rupp2 Thank you!!

  13. This is very useful! I would love your word problems as well. My school email is if you don't mind, thank you! :)

    1. Hello! My word problems are in my TPT store for FREE. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  14. I noticed that some of the application problems aren't included in your free downloads. Is there a reason for this?
    Example: Module 7, Lesson 1 (You only included lessons 6 and 19 for module 7)

  15. My school will be transition into using Engage NY math this next school year. I would love to have a copy of the application problems.

  16. Hi. I am so glad to have found this. What do you use for assessment? Just the module assessments or do you have something else to use to make your groups? Thamks

  17. Thank you so much for all the helpful information. When do you do the fluency part of the lesson? Whole group or small group?
    So when you start math you do application problem, mini lesson, small groups/centers?

  18. On Sale Now! 20% OFF.

  19. Is there any way you would tell me which portions of the modules are included in your student pink books? I would love to try to make these for myself!

  20. Hi. I was wondering where to get your center rotation signs. Thanks

  21. Hello! I am so happy I found your page! I've been in the same predicament...not loving teaching math because of all the direct instruction Eureka Math requires. Your Math Workshop seems like a really excellent idea! I was wondering, what do you use as pre-assessments to create your groups?


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